The Ladykillers (2016)
By Graham Linehan
Directed by Andrew Thomas
Posing as musicians, Professor Marcus and his criminal gang rent rooms in the house of Mrs Wilberforce. They plot to involve her in their heist but she uncovers their dastardly plan. Mrs Wilberforce is alone with five desperate men. But who will face the music?
The Ladykillers was performed in April 2016 at Theatr Colwyn with the following cast:
Constable MacDonald.........................Ray Hughes
Mrs Wilberforce................................Lara Crawford
Professor Marcus.............................Gavin Baldwin
Major Courtney............................Richard Williams
Harry Robinson.......................................Ian Wilson
One Round...................................Andrew Poynton
Louis Harvey..................................Chris Bainbridge
Voice of General Gordon.................Carole Lauren
Mrs Tromleyton............................Karen Shepherd
Loose Society of Elderly Women: Judith Williams, Anne Allsopp,
Rose Jones, Jenny Allsopp, Carole Lauren
Stage Management and Technical Team
Andrew Thomas, Ryan Davies, Anne Allsopp, Donna Poynton and David Crawford.
NODA Review by Lyn Emmerson
The action of this award winning West End comedy takes place in the house of the elderly Mrs Wilberforce. The set, boasting the living room and the bedroom, was well represented on the stage with appropriate attention paid to props, lighting and sound. Lara Crawford, who had just let rooms to an unusual orchestral quintet, gave us a faultless portrayal of the innocent, yet determined Mrs Wilberforce. A brilliant characterization by Lara who was right on cue throughout the piece. The tenants were suspect to say the least, led by Professor Marcus, a deeply intimidating character, perfectly played by Gavin Baldwin. The Professor, together with his motley crew, were planning a robbery. Richard Williams gave us a superb interpretation of reluctant and dithering gang member Major Courtney, whilst shades of the Mafia seemed to surface from bully Chris Bainbridge as Louis Harvey, never out of character and seemingly ever ready to demonstrate his expertise with a knife.
A welcome return to the stage for Andrew Poynton in the role of ‘punch drunk’ – One Round, the brawn of the group. Andrew uses his vast experience to immerse himself in this different type of role. Last but by no means least of this villainous band, was the excellent performance we have come to expect from Ian Wilson as the ‘do anything’ Harry Robinson. Minor roles were justly carried out by Ray Hughes as PC McDonald, Karen Shepherd as Mrs Tromleyton, Carole Lauren as the off- stage parrot, General Gordon, and other Company Members as The Loose Society of Women. I looked forward to this evening’s entertainment and was not disappointed. A superb experienced cast, giving their all and receiving the accolade they richly deserved from the audience.