The Flint Street Nativity (2011)
by Tim Firth
Directed by Colin Holmes
Mizzis Horrocks' class of seven year olds is about to perform their nativity play at Flint Street Junior School for the proud mums and dads - and the occasional social worker. Squabbles arise when Gabriel wants to play Mary, the Star grumbles he's not a proper star like they have at NASA, Herod won't stop waving to his mum and dad and the subversive Innkeeper is determined to liven up the traditional script. And then the stick insect escapes...
Gabriel..........................Beryl Poynton
Mary.............................Lara Crawford
Herod...........................Chris Atherton
Angel............................Helen Thomas
Innkeeper.................Chris Bainbridge
Wise Gold.................Lynne Chadburn
Ass.....................................Ryan Davies
Wise Frankincense.....David Crawford
Shepherd...................Leah Bainbridge
Star...............................Haydn Sanford
Narrator.........................Carole Lauren